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3Novices:Watch a fly-through animation showing Notre-Dame rebuilt with a replica spire and a glass roof

Notre-Dame animation

Miysis Studio has created an animation showing its vision of a rebuilt Notre-Dame that combines a reconstruction of Viollet-le-Duc's spire with a modern glass roof.

The Belgium visualisation studio created the movie to show how the cathedral, which was devastated by fire last month, could be rebuilt using modern and traditional materials.

"We also wanted to mix traditional wood and new materials to find the right balance between history and future," Denis Stevens, CEO of Miysis Studio told Dezeen.

Since the fire, numerous designers have created proposals for how Notre-Dame could be rebuilt including Vincent Callebaut and Studio NAB, which like Miysis Studio suggest creating a roof top garden enclosed by a glazed roof. Various other proposals range from the interesting to the outrageous.

Read more about Miysis Studio's Notre-Dame proposal ›

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