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3Novices:"What's architecture without utopia?"

Following last week's healthy debate around a conceptual looping skyscraper in New York, a newly proposed tower that would hang from an asteroid drew a similar response from readers, which is summarised in our latest comments update.

Down to earth: Clouds Architecture Office suggested suspending the Analemma Tower, which would be the world's tallest skyscraper, from an asteroid to get around terrestrial height restrictions.

"What's architecture without utopia?" asked Eugenio Laponte, defending the concept.

Some readers, such as Atlas, were completely dismissive of the extreme plan: "What a complete waste of time."

Mies van der Float felt the office deserved praise for their originality: "I'd like to have a pint in this tower someday and toast these blokes for daring to be visionary."

One reader suggested the architects may be better off going back to school:

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Devilish: the proposed 666 Fifth Avenue skyscraper, designed by Zaha Hadid Architects for the Kushner family, raised eyebrows over its phallic form.

Commenter davvvvid clearly felt it was an appropriate design from ZHA: "Finally, a proper home for Patrik Schumacher's oligarch friends."

Geofbob suggested an alternative use for the building that would be of interest to Jared Kushner's father-in-law Donald Trump: "Lay it on its side as a contribution to the wall".

"I, for one, welcome the coming of Satan's glass dildo," stated a sarcastic Wathaniel.

This reader felt the situation made total sense:

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R' for Resistance symbol

R-rated: Tucker Viemeister's anti-Trump symbol, based on Nazi concentration camp badges, seemed to cause the level of offence usually attributed to its target.

"It's an insult to all who perished in the Nazi concentration camps" stated apsco radiales.

Herbanter544 questioned the designers motives: "This boring anti-Trump hysteria is looking more and more like cheap self promotion, wearing a pantomime revolutionary mask."

"You must be confused and acknowledging Trump's ode to distaste and snake salesman tactics portrayed by his red 'Make America great again' hat," fired back Guisforyou.

Not all were disappointed by the design, although this reader felt it may have still missed the mark:

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Sous La Vie by Iftach Gazit

Clean eating: Iftach Gazit's food bags that can be cooked in the washing machine during a spin cycle received a mixed response from Dezeen readers.

"I appreciate thinking 'outside the box' but in a world encouraged to wash at 30 or 40 degrees I can't see how this is a practical thought process," wrote yetitechture.

SteveLeo seemed to appreciate the visual element of the design: "Very cool and graphically clever."

Felipe Balbuena saw vast potential in the idea. "Could they not be used to feed people in places of food shortages, maybe where disasters have occurred?"

However, not everyone felt the bags were a sensible solution:

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The post "What's architecture without utopia?" appeared first on Dezeen.

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