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3Novices:Genetic study shows that ageing hinders cancer

3Novices:Notice flashes or black spots in your vision? Here’s what you need to know

3Novices:Modernist Holiday Inn becomes Los Angeles apartment complex

3Novices:Austin Maynard Architects adds two scaly extensions to post-war bungalow in Canberra

3Novices:Seven ice cream shops sprinkled with delicious decor details

3Novices:This week, the world's tallest residential skyscraper topped out and MIT created the blackest black

3Novices:Celebrated teacher Neil Pinder will talk about how to make design education more inclusive at Dezeen Day

3Novices:Noori stove "breaks the limitations of a standard barbecue"

3Novices:SO-IL wraps 130 trees in colourful hammock for an installation in Indiana

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